We know what works when it comes to safety campaigns, and are dedicated to making change that lasts. Our work is delivered in partnership with a diverse range of public sector and charitable organisations who share our goals of helping women and LGTBQI+ people to live safe in public space.

On our Safer Streets training...

Good Night Out supported the success of our Safer Streets Programme by designing and delivering bespoke training for street-based security staff across hotspot areas for public spaces Violence Against Women and Girls offending in our borough. The team are highly knowledgeable and worked flexibly to deliver sessions online and in person to meet our needs. We received excellent feedback from attendees who reported improved knowledge, skills and confidence in responding to sexual violence.

Amy Masson, Violence Against Women and Girls Workstream Lead, Lambeth Council

Safer Streets

Bespoke workshop series

In March 2023 we provided two free specialist training sessions focused on the prevention of violence against women and girls in the context of street-based sexual harassment, to street wardens and private security in identified hotspots in Lambeth and Southwark. Commissioned by Lambeth Council, we upskilled attendees with knowledge and methods on how to better support members of the public, how to be active and informed bystanders, and understanding of possible victim/survivor responses using a trauma-informed framework.


Film Screening + Feminist Panel Discussion

In November 2023 we collaborated with MUBI to host a screening of the award-winning film How To Have Sex, followed by a panel discussion dissecting the themes of consent and teen holiday experiences raised by the film through a feminist lens.

We curated the screening and panel discussion, selecting the panel line-up which included experts in feminist film, media and consent education. In the run up to our screening of How To Have Sex, which took place at our chosen cinema Hackney Picturehouse, we conducted a successful social media campaign to advertise the screening and the importance of the film, and followed up the event by sharing the full panel discussion online, as well as a series of interviews with attendees from the night, delving further into the topics raised in the film.


Bespoke workshops + social media campaign

We worked with Malibu on a broad campaign focussed on safety in student nightlife to coincide with Freshers Week that was centred around three main outcomes…

  1. Delivery of a bespoke workshop series to Malibu’s ‘Malicrew’ Freshers Street Team to assist with their presence in venues and streets around England & Wales during freshers week promoting the brand. This included co-branded active bystander take-home materials and digital resource dashboards.
  2. Delivery of bespoke co-branded workshops to floor staff at Malibu-partnered Revolution Bars that are at the heart of student nightlife across the UK.
  3. Consultation on their social media campaign around sexual violence and safety in student nightlife, with our Active Bystander Guide being adapted into an Instagram video featuring Love Island’s Olivia Atwood and Joey Essex

Desperados • Door Person Diploma

Bespoke workshops

We created bespoke Door Person Diploma workshops for nightlife security or door staff in venues, pubs, bars, clubs & cultural spaces in UK, Belgium, France or The Netherlands.

Subjects covered include:

  • Responding to disclosures of sexual violence
  • Drugs, alcohol and consent in nightlife spaces
  • Removing barriers to seeking help including countering intimidation
  • Risk assessing situations and supportive working
  • De-escalation tools

We were able to provide this interactive in-depth training from specialist nightlife safety educators for free, thanks to our partnership with Desperados F.R.E.E.

Reframe the Night 2022

Myth-busting Campaign

In January 2022 we were commissioned by City of London Corporation to develop an updated and refreshed version of our popular myth-busting campaign. Displayed online and in physical locations around the borough, the posters targeted high traffic areas such as Liverpool street station, challenging harmful attitudes with smart reframes to start conversation.

A large screen displays a Reframe The Night poster in a busy public space. The posted depicts two illustrative abstract heads facing each other. One of the heads says 'we used to have fun at work, but you can't say anything these days', to which the other responds, 'fun for who? If people are your punchlines, it's time to change the script.'

Wales Violence Prevention Unit • #SafeToSay

Active Bystander Campaign

We developed a striking bilingual Active Bystander campaign and toolkit for the Wales Violence Prevention Unit in the nighttime economy areas of Cardiff in 2021.

The aim was to encourage and equip people to speak up if they recognise or have concerns about someone’s attitude or behaviour, and to progress the conversation on from what is not okay, to what they can do about it.

The cover and the inside of the 'Active Bystander Toolkit'.

Safer States

Harm reduction guide

Safer States is an information toolkit about drugs and nightlife brought to you in collaboration with Release, The Love Tank, and Safe Only.

Drugs are part of nightlife. They always have been, and whether you use them or not, they aren’t going anywhere. It’s high time we got informed. Safer States is for anyone who uses drugs now, may do so in the future, or cares about those in their community who do. We’ve cut through the noise to bring you the most accurate information, informed by science, evidence and a commitment to respect, autonomy and care.

Reframe the Night

Myth-busting Campaign

In 2019, we worked with Hackney Council and the City of London Corporation to develop myth-busting messaging for billboards, bus stops and public spaces around both boroughs, aimed at challenging the common myths about who is responsible for sexual violence in nightlife.

A bus stop near Dalston Junction station displaying a Reframe The Night poster. In the top-left corner is the Hackney Nights logo, with the slogan 'Keeping you safe at Night', while the top right has the #ReframeTheNight hashtag, with 'Let's make these beliefs a thing of the past' underneath. Large text in a handwriting font then reads, in quotation marks, 'If you go out dressed like that, what do you expect?'. Underneath, in a smaller sans-serif font, text reads 'No matter how we choose to dress, we deserve and expect respect. Let's blame sexual harrassment on the person choosing to act out of line, not someone's outfit.' At the bottom of the poster are the City of London, Good Night Out and Hackney Council logos.

Greater London Authority

Governance Body

Night Czar Amy Lamé invited us to develop the Women’s Night Safety Charter, a London-wide commitment for organisations active between 6pm-6am, part of the Mayor’s Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy and London’s commitment to the UN Women Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces global initiative.

Healthy Music Audiences


Healthy Music Audiences is a research project that aims to understand sexual harassment and assault at live music events, led by Dr. Rosemary Hill at the University of Huddersfield. We are specialist partners on the project alongside Musicians’ Union, White Ribbon, Girls Against and Safe Gigs For Women.