Bespoke workshops + social media campaign

We worked with Malibu on a broad campaign focussed on safety in student nightlife to coincide with Freshers Week that was centred around three main outcomes…

  1. Delivery of a bespoke workshop series to Malibu’s ‘Malicrew’ Freshers Street Team to assist with their presence in venues and streets around England & Wales during freshers week promoting the brand. This included co-branded active bystander take-home materials and digital resource dashboards.
  2. Delivery of bespoke co-branded workshops to floor staff at Malibu-partnered Revolution Bars that are at the heart of student nightlife across the UK.
  3. Consultation on their social media campaign around sexual violence and safety in student nightlife, with our Active Bystander Guide being adapted into an Instagram video featuring Love Island’s Olivia Atwood and Joey Essex

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